
Posts Tagged ‘karma’

Today from my Daily Kabbalah Tune Up email:

If you were to never buy a book on Kabbalah, or take a class online, or attend one of our live events or holidays, if you were only reading this one email and I had just this one chance to share with you a secret that would change your life, it would be this:

Like attracts like.

God, from a kabbalist’s perspective, is not a bearded man on a mountain top or a judgmental omnipotent being, but it’s a force of sharing and concern and love. When you quiet down your thoughts and step away from your feelings – and just radiate concern for others – you attain affinity with God.

And the moment you create this connection, you are tapping into this force. This is where fulfillment comes from.

That’s why love thy neighbor was the revelation of a technology, not a moral ideal!

Today, be God. Be thoughtful of what others are going through. Be happy for others’ happiness. Be kind to people for no good reason. Be the creative force you can be. Everything else will take care of itself.

I like it…”a force of sharing and concern and love”. That appeals much more to me that a bearded man on a mountain top, which unfortunately is the vision of God I came away with from my childhood days. And what a truly AWESOME concept. Like attracts like – technically, not morally. It fits in very well with karma, Hermetic Philosophy and The Secret.

I would add only one more other thing to this. Be kind to YOURSELF. It’s no good going round doing good for others whilst simultaneously having low self-esteem and self-hatred. Because that too will attract like. And your life will be in choas and you won’t understand why because “you’re doing all this good stuff and nothing good is happening”…ummmmm.

So today be kind to yourself. Be gentle with yourself. And meditatively tap into the force.

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Africa Weeps

Sue’s Arty Farty Musings is a blog I follow on my RSS reader and although I don’t always have time to delve into it, I found I had some time this peaceful Sunday morning.

Her latest work, ‘Africa Weeping‘ is AWESOME!  Check it out.  I want me some 🙂  If I could afford it, that is.

These paintings so totally speak to my soul…tugging at my African Heritage heartstrings.

I don’t know if I’ve blogged about this before, but I feel guilty for leaving South Africa (I’ve been away for nearly 10 years now – wow!).  I feel that I profited growing up white in an apartheid South Africa, had privileges my fellow countryman did not, and all because my skin was white and not black.  And when it became tough to live in SA, when it became a struggle of life and death, I left.  Make no mistake, I still think it was the smartest move for me and my family.  Yet I feel guilty.  Like I should be giving back, putting back into the country I freely fed upon growing up, joining the struggle to make it a growing, prospering country again.  Sometimes I think about going back and my blood runs cold and fear for my life stops me.  Is that smart or selfish?  I oscillate between the two and haven’t yet found the happy medium.

This is what makes my current job the sweetest of ironies…I work for a historically black university here on the Eastern US seaboard.  This was purely unintentional of course, it just happened to be the job which fitted in my current lifestyle the best.  So now I find myself working back my karma, on US soil, in relatve safety, for a people who were historially disadvantaged not only here in the US but who were also violently and butally uprooted from their African homeland.  And I find that my guilt is slowing dissolving and the wounds healing.

Aint life strange sometimes.  And of course, even though it may appear otherwise, nothing is ‘just co-incidence’ 😉

No matter how many years I spend away from South Africa, I will always be African at heart and the African lanscape will always call to me.  I hope I’ll be able to have some of that landscape, so poignantly captured, in my home, bringing it just a tiny bit closer.

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